Cdilascia, for being new to this you are pretty smart to catch on to this concern so early in the game. I didn't figure it out until after making some poor purchase choices, but now this is one of the spec areas that I actually pay close attention to in speaker and amp reviews and spec sheets. But often the warnings given are vague: "The MamaMia speaker loading drops down to X.x Ohms below 125 Hz -- be sure and match amplifier carefully!" It's great that I know to be "careful" if considering the MamaMia speaker, but not quite great enough because I don't know exactly what precise values I need to look for in a partnering amp to achieve a good working combination.
Let's say that I get the preference of the speaker manufacturer for which amps are well-suited to drive his speakers, but for whatever reason, I don't like the suggested gear and want to consider other offerings. Does anyone know of a good set of reference tables available which match various speaker parameters with good and bad parameters for amplifiers? Or should we just find a trusted EE friend every time we want to be sure, and feed him whatever specifics the companies (except, apparently, ML) will provide us?
Let's say that I get the preference of the speaker manufacturer for which amps are well-suited to drive his speakers, but for whatever reason, I don't like the suggested gear and want to consider other offerings. Does anyone know of a good set of reference tables available which match various speaker parameters with good and bad parameters for amplifiers? Or should we just find a trusted EE friend every time we want to be sure, and feed him whatever specifics the companies (except, apparently, ML) will provide us?