Tu-bee or not tu-bee... A philosophical question.

I'm looking at a tube. It's rocking back and forth right above the number keys on my keyboard as I type. It says "Raytheon" and it looks like it should be a VT-231. In fact, it is identical in every way, including sound, to a Raytheon VT-231 that I have, but when it rocks all the way around I can see that it just doesn't say VT-231 anywhere. It says Raytheon 6SN7GT, nothing more.
What should this tube be called?
Are both tubes worth the same amount of money?
Would you rather have one more than the other?

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Typically the VT-231 would be a 1940's tube. The 6SN7GT is a later version and shares family ties with the 5692 Military tube I am so fond of.

Sound of tubes are judged differently by different people and in different equipment. If you are able to try the two against each other you can determine what you and your gear likes best. If I had to score these two, I would say the VT-231 is "rounder" and warmer sounding, very fast and clean, but not as accurate as the 5692 or even the 6SN7GT.

You cannot go wrong with any of these, they are all twice as good as anything manufactured today.