TT/Tonearm/cartridge interaction theory?

Can some one direct me to how the analog works in terms of interaction between Turntable, tonearm and cartridge? I do some clue that the amount of signal that cartridge retrieves from grooves is miniscule and it is important to keep that contact pressure (weight?) to a right amount. What kind of tolerance on this right amount is tolerable without loosing too much of a signal and is ther any other measure for Quality control other than sound? I might have answered my own questions but a I would like little more insight or someone can point out if I have missed any key parameters..

I am structural engineer by profession and am really curious. Thx


Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear Nil: In all those links that other people posted you have almost the answer for your questions.

+++++ " What kind of tolerance on this right amount is tolerable without loosing too much of a signal and ... " +++++

The tolerance range ( up/down ) is the one that the manufacturer gives at the cartridge operation manual. Between that range you could " move " but you have to take in count all the others parameters that has relation with the VTF for stay right on target: """ I do some clue that the amount of signal that cartridge retrieves from grooves is miniscule...""""""

The next step and a very critical an important one is that that minuscule signal could be amplified with enough gain and with out distortion/noise/colorations an according to the RIAA eq. and that's means with a RIAA deviation no more than 0.05 db

Regards and enjoy the music.