TT on Symposium Super Segue - slate or maple underneath?

I've gotten a Super Segue for my VPI Avenger. I have various things on hand I can place under the Symposium. I wasn't sure if a 3" thick maple block would work better than a 1/2" thick piece of slate. The whole thing will be sitting on top of my wooden equipment rack. I know ideally I should try both to see what sounds better, but hauling a 70+ pound TT on and off shelves for listening tests (not to mention moving a 3" thick maple block around) can be a bit of a pain. I'm hoping someone here has had some experience with what they've felt works best under a Segue, so I could try that first.

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

If you floor is on concrete and your equipment rack is sturdy just use the maple. Wood that thick is very dead and maple is very heavy, perfect.
If your floor is not on concrete a good suspended turntable would be preferable and nothing you can do is going to isolate the table from low frequency disturbances like footfalls. Seismic activity? Are you kidding me? We have an earthquake every 5 minutes? You might as well worry about your grandmother driving through your listening room in a drag line.