TT: Aries or Delphi V

I am considering a new turntable purchase. Any views on VPI Aries vs Oracle? I need small footprint solution and these fit the bill. Cost is not the issue for me, but sound quality is. I would use the VPI-10 tonearm. It seems that the VPI is easier to setup and is cheaper.

Showing 1 response by metaphysics

I have an Aries. One thing to consider is that a JMW-12 actually fits on a standard size Aries. I have one mounted but can only use 2 of the 3 mounting holes on the arm board. I did compare the JMW12 with the 10 and found the 12 to give a more accurate sound.

I also have upgraded to the TNT V platter and bearing. Excellent combo. Highly recommended.