Trying to get back into Lps, I seem to be throwing

I would appreciate some advice on what I can do to improve my record listening pleasure. I have rescently purchased the Project perspective turntable and have installed the Sumiko blackbird MC cartridge as well. So far I am very disappointed in the sound quality from top to bottom. At this point I seem to be throwing money right down the tubes. My equiptment consists of a McIntosh C37 preamp with the standard MM output and 2 McIntosh 7200 amps with Aerial 9 speakers. I also have an ESound E5 cd player which has been upgraded by Joseph Chow (early 70s Kenwwood fame).

Showing 1 response by kenl


I was experiencing the same disappointment you describe, until Albert Porter properly set-up my Basis Debut/Graham 1.5/ZYX Airy 2 combo.

It turned out neither the arm nor cartridge was sufficiently tightened down, thereby killing the bass and dynamics. The cart was also mis-aligned, even though a good friend who knows what he's doing did the original set-up. There's no substitute for perfect set-up. I'm now as happy as can be with my vinyl rig.

Good luck with yours.