Trying to get back into Lps, I seem to be throwing

I would appreciate some advice on what I can do to improve my record listening pleasure. I have rescently purchased the Project perspective turntable and have installed the Sumiko blackbird MC cartridge as well. So far I am very disappointed in the sound quality from top to bottom. At this point I seem to be throwing money right down the tubes. My equiptment consists of a McIntosh C37 preamp with the standard MM output and 2 McIntosh 7200 amps with Aerial 9 speakers. I also have an ESound E5 cd player which has been upgraded by Joseph Chow (early 70s Kenwwood fame).

Showing 3 responses by dan_ed

Rushton is right on. Also, don't forget that there will be some burnin time with the cartridge and wiring. Vinyl can be frustrating at times but also very rewarding.
If my math is correct you've only put about 13 hours on the cartridge. I don't know specifics about the Blackbird but what you're describing is consistent what one might hear from a cartridge that is not broken in. I'd be prone to give it at least 50 hours.
Jond, as Rushton mentioned the Blackbird is a 2.5mV MC so I wouldn't think Powers needs a phono stage. However, you did make me stop and think that this could also be the first time that the phono circuit in his McIntosh has been used. If that is the cast we could be talking a few hundred hours for everything to settle in.