Trying to extract more from my Vandersteen

I've come to the realization that my ideal system is always 2 steps ahead of whatever my current system is. I am only satisfied with whatever updgrade for a few months, before I convince myself that I need to upgrade again. This is as exciting as it is unsettling.

My current system is as follows:
Vandersteen 2CE sig
McCormack DNA-1 deluxe
TAD-150 sig tube preamp
Eastern Electric Minimax tube CDP
Blue circle Power cords
MIT IC's and speaker cables

I had spent the past two years building this current system, and I had been fairly happy with it. I thank this system for introducing me to the world of jazz. Switching to tubes really helped my Vandersteens "sing". I had entertained the thought of replacing the McCormack with a tube amp, such as TAD-60 or other equivalent, but I never did. I was happy with my system and figured it would remain intact for awhile.

Then something had to rain on my happiness or complaceny. Due to a busy work schedule, I was forced to do most of my music listening either in my office through my old NHT and all rotel setup or at home through my Sennheiser headphones. After a couple months of this, I finally had time to do some listening through my main system. It had never been apparent to me before, but all the music coming out of the Vandersteens sounded "veiled". Before, I purchased my vandies, I read and heard all the criticisms regarding this "veiled" or "shrouded" sound. I never felt this was true about my vandersteen's until now.

So instead of making generalizations, I figure this is a good opportunity to "improve" my system. I am still more than happy with the soundstage, midrange clarity, and bass dynamics. Perhaps what I want to improve is higher frequency extension.

All this being said, I welcome all recommendations and comments that need not be limited to the following topics:


Any recommendations on pre-amps (tube or SS)?
How about a passive unit (Sonic Euphoria, Placette, Mccormack TLC)?

anyone recommend Purist?

Any good integrated's out there?
What do you think about the Eastern Electric Integrated?
How about Krell KAV 400xi? For that matter, how does Krell match with Vandersteens?

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to reading your comments.


Showing 5 responses by eagleman6722

I had almost exactly your system. the only difference was that I had the DNA-1 not deluxe. I have since gone to the TAD-60 AMp.At first I noticed the greater sense of air/ spaciousness compared to the Mccormack. Highs were a bit laid back. I messed around a bit with the placement, toe-in toe-out and was able o change/improve the sound. I changed tubes both in the AMp and pre. i am using some GTs from Upscale in the pre, Tung Sol 6550s, a tele 12AX7 and some RCA 12 AU7 cleartops in the amp. Soundstaging and attack improved, air and spaciousness improve even more.

Now I am working on tweaks. Got some Electronic feet for the Amp and CD, a granite base for the Pre-power (stacked) and some solid wooden feet for the turntable. I also got some silver wire for the Amp-pre and TT pre connection. Now hearing some better balance to the system. Still a work in progress as i have not hit the speaker cable yet.

What I have found out by experimenting.
- Vandys do not promote listening fatigue. Bacause they are not normally bright I can listen for hours.
- Changes occur at most every tweak. They sound only as good as your sources. One might never reach the peak of what they can do.
- My ears do not find them veiled at all. I belong to the Houston Audio society and everytime I return home from a meeting, I find that my system sounds great to my ears.
- I wouldn't trade them. I like the nuetral sound that I get from them and the way they change with differnt tweaks.
- Placement is critical. Experiment.

Of course they are not for everybody but, there are so many people with 2CE sigs, they must be doing something right.

I agree with pubu157 and Krisjan. I can listen to a good set of headphones on a good amp and get more detail that will make any speaker sound veiled. Not a real good comparison.

In response to your question about high- FQ roll off. I am still in the process of tweaking the cable mixture to find the best math. I got a pair of DIY from someone at the Houston Audio Club. I connected it to my TT and from the pre to the amp. More extention at the extremes and nice detail. I have a pair of Aural thrills air silvers coming from a purchase that I made from Ebay. I will also be trying some interconnects and speaker wire...

Right now the sound is very listenable but, can still be improved a bit. I would look at the 3A signatures except the room that I am in is a it too small..

I have a pair of 2CE sugnatures that were sold to me by Audio Concepts in Houston. I currently have Tara labs usc Prime wires that were sold to me with the speakers. Can I do better at a reasonable price point? I am using a Tubeaudio design Amp and pre.(made in chicago see the reviews) They reveal some wonderful qualities on the Vandy's but, I may be short on highs a bit. I have a set of Aural Thrill siver ICs coming to brightten thngs up also...
Haven't seen this thread for a while but, I have since gone to EH6CA7s in the AMP and changed out the speaker cables from the Tara Labs that Steve has to some Yang Wings that a local dealer from my audio club sells. Totally different sound. Sound stage opens up as the volume is turned up, more detail, highs are more extended air and background cause the image to spread out. I tried some MITs on my system and while it was an improvement over the Tara Labs it did not open up my system as much as the cables I wound up buying. I won't say what I paid but, they were 1/2 as much as the Tara labs but, remember that they are Chinese..