Trying to Enter the "HiFi" Bizz

I would like to know what is the best route to enter the HIFI business. I would like to go into commercial production eventually. I would like to know the best way to gain experience regarding the technical aspects of High-End audio. My aim is to set up a High End manufacturing setup in a country with lower costs of production an overheads like nOrh or Plinius.
I have made a couple of High-End speakers myself and am aware of the markup (profit margins) that exist.
I would be grateful to any and every suggestion made

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Great post TWL.

Your advice is pretty much the key to successful marketing of all kinds of goods. I can think of a few audio manufacturers that have faltered, due to wandering too far away from their core ideas.

I think it is also advisable to assume this new audio venture would NOT produce a profit for at least three to five years. Success may be tremendous, but seldom without a long wait.