True Bookshelf speakers--which best?!

Due to constraints (financial, physical, possibly mental), my situation mandates bookshelf speakers. Which are best for pop, serious (classical), and jazz. I am thinking of the Merlin TSM. The lowest octaves are not important, however, a big & deep soundstage with excellent imaging is. I have a ss amp now, and I want speakers to mate with a Pass Aleph 3 or a SET amp in the future. Also, the speakers must be good in HT as mains. The bookshelf will allow the speakers to be 2 feet from the back wall and be at an appropriate height and distance apart. I will put the speakers on osiris (or equivalent) stands in front of the bookshelf for the truly serious sessions. What speakers would you suggest?
The best bookshelf I have heard (and owned) are the Speaker Art Super Clefs. They are in a word breathtakingly real. Regards, Mike
Well, if you are really interested in hearing what may be (at least among) the best, I would recomend trying out the new Talon Peregrine. Expensive, but, if I were in the market for a bookshelf speaker, this is the one I would covet. Indeed, I do. (Also, it's a real bookshelf speaker, though substantial in its own right, that goes all the way down to 20hz). My worthless 2 cents worth, but I was introduced to Tallon this weekend and it was simply the best I have ever heard. Does it all right. Came home to my Thiels with a severe case of speaker envy.
I would include the Dynaudio Contour 1.1, Totem Model 1 and Proac Response 1sc as your shortlist.
Try the Totem Model One (Signatures if possible) and the B&W Nautilous 805. Both are great.
All I am going to say is Proac Response 1SC. Go and hear, as you will be amazed! A hard bookshelf to beat.