TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade

Thinking of either of these for what I view as a huge pre upgrade in my system. Current system is:

-Celestion A3
-Krell KAV250a (500 wpc/4 ohms).
-Nohr CD-1
-Rotel 995 preamp

I am looking to pickup warmth, depth and much more soundstage. Quality bass is also important to me. I want to keep the Celestions and feel that my current pre is the weakest link. Will also will update my digital source and ss amp down the road.

My thinking is that it will be worth paying up a bit for a higher quality pre that I can grow into.

Also I have a small naive question...with either of these pre amps will the sound difference be that great compared to the Rotel.

Thanks...any comments are appreciated.

Many owners of the Joule preamps will tell you it is one of the finest they have heard, adding just the kind of qualities you say you are looking for. Have never heard the TRL so I cannot comment, but the Joule has been in the mix for finest preamps for a long time, with Jud's best work said to be found in his latest iteration, especially the ME series.
The TRL will be a significant improvement over the Rotel and will make you happy for many years to come.