Preamps: Rogue Audio RP-1 vs. Quicksilver Audio Line Stage Pre - Sonic Differences | mgreen27 | 7784 | 11 |
Since Krell 302e & Cary SPL-05 have (gain/imp issues) what tube pre is best w/ the krell? | 4425 | 3267 | 12 |
Cary SLP-05 pre + Krell 302e/402e sound? Should I consider a different power amp? | mikey8811 | 2213 | 8 |
Preamp purchase: Thoughts on buying TRL Dude OR Cary SLP-05 | charles1dad | 2506 | 6 |
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade | grannyring | 63929 | 102 |