Trivializing what I have is the best...

I have enjoyed and used this site since it's beginning.  It seems that many threads now boil down to people defending what they own in the manner of "what I own is the BEST!)....kind of like a high school pep rally. 


Showing 2 responses by edcyn

Yeah, there is an unmistakable streak of meanness on this site, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it anyway. It's just that, even more than on the other consumer product websites I frequent (e.g., ones involving bicycles and musical instruments), if you haven't laid down a king's ransom for your gear, you just ain't worth anything more than a sneer.
I get a kick out of the posters here who seem to switch out their components once a week.  It's not about the money, either.  Ah, another set of tube mono amps!  Ah, another double hernia operation...