The thing is that I will be visiting my son who is studying at the University of Toronto next Easter week.

My interests when visiting a new city -apart from blues and rock music shows- are:

1.- Contemporary architecture;

2.- Discovering places and neighborhoods not mentioned on tourist guides;

3.- One day trip to towns around the main city;

4.- Local "cuisine" as there´s an Spanish cuisine. Not meaning "hi-end cuisine" a la Ferrán Adriá. This trend seems to me like 70s progressive music -how to get the more complicated pentatonic scale-. Let´s keep it simple;

5.- Eating on the cheap. I mean affordable prices. Not breaking the bank;

6.- Drinking undiscovered beers and/or unexpected wines

7.- Bookstores (if they still exists); CD stores -if they still exist- and why not -the vice strikes again- audio stores -if they still exist-;

I´m open to your suggestions.

Thank you all.


Showing 3 responses by audiowoman

If you take a drive down Yonge St. heading north you will come to a little town called Richmond Hill where there is a good little shop called "American Sound" run by Angie...very nice gear there.

Not sure what is left in the downtown area, used to be nice shop in the Yorkville area, but it's been a few years since I was around there. Big HMV music shop on Yonge St. downtown - Bookstores are Chapters - like Barnes and Noble - the little places are gone.

Good restaurants everywhere in TO.

Lots of microbreweries around too....Have fun!

Ct0517 - I went to Western!
I lived in Orillia and drove past London to Chatham to visit home so I know what you mean Ct0517. I did enjoy stopping at yorkdale to shop and hitting the stereo shops that used to line Yonge st. some years back
I would happily take that drive now. Currently I live in Richmond VA and drive back a couple times a year - 12 hours + depending on traffic and pitstops for us and the dog!
I remember very well everyone shopping at Sam's and also all the "fur" dealerships getting fined for being open on Boxing Day....everything used to be closed till the day after.