Triode or Ultra-linear? Why?

Several months ago I added PrimaLuna Prologue Mono-block amps and Preamp to my system. Of course, I keep fiddling with the Triode/Ultra-linear switch, It's so easy since it's on the remote. Can't decide which I enjoy most. Leaning toward triode. What's your experience? 



Showing 1 response by redfuneral

The only tube amps I've gotten along with have been pentode/UL. SE, yet to hear a PP. As you likely can guess I mostly listen to metal, classical, and electronic music. Frequency extremes are important.

I agree on dedicated amps without switches, I like purpose built equipment. Too many options seem to me like a lack of direction from the manufacturer. There are plenty of SET fans out there, I don't see them missing the switch. And it's kinda neat to see what you can pull off with really low power amps, I'd be tempted if it wasn't for the mid-range focus of much of these amps