Triangle Theta vs. B&W 805D3 with Luxman tube amp

I'm trying to put together a small system for my office, 12x15ft room. 
I auditioned Triangle signature theta with Luxman SQ-N150. The combination sounded good to my ears. 
I'm also tempted to get 805D3 but unable to audition with Luxman tube. I know it is entirely subjective but I was wondering what is a better speaker for this amp? I understand BW is a more recognized brand and would probably keep its value better than triangle. Triangle has a metal tweeter, does It mean it's brighter than diamond tweeter on 805? How do these speakers compare in general? Is 10W Luxman good enough to drive either speaker? 
This system will be mostly used for Vocals and Jazz. I like to play loud, but also has to sound good on low volume at night.  Thoughts? 

Showing 4 responses by ei001h

Do you think the Diamond speaker class is comparable to theta or higher end Magellan from triangle ? 
What about the horn tweeter on Triangle? Is it known to be bright ? Would a luxman tube amp tame that brightness ? I guess my question is which is a better stand mount option? BW 805d3 or triangle theta or duetto ? I haven’t excluded other tube amps yet. There is a unison research amp that sounds ok paired with triangle on YouTube. 
Would Mcintosh MC275 be a better match for aforementioned speakers ? Or would it be overkill to spend nearly equal amount on an amp? 
 I also have a mastersound compact 845 30W SET which I could try as well. 
Did anyone have a chance to hear both speakers with a tube amp? 
I'm pretty sure my Mastersound will drive them just fine. My question is would 10W Luxman be adequate or would Mcintosh be better suited based on power alone. These questions are for those who actually own the speakers and have experimented with tube amps.