Triangle Art Metis Horn Speakers




Last weekend I attended the Pacific Northwest Audio Fest and was particularly impressed with the TriangleArt Metis horn speakers. They are fairly massive (about 6’ tall) with a 15" (ported woofer), a Beima midrange driver for the horn, and a RAAL ribbon tweeter. The are 95db efficient @8ohms, and were being driven with a single EL34/channel tube amp. I thought they sounded glorious: very natural sound, huge soundstage, lots of tonal color, very solid bass, delicate extended highs, lovely midrange. I’m wondering if any other audiophiles out there have heard (or own) these speakers, and what are your impressions? Also, if you do own them, curious what amplification you have tried or are using? Thanks!


Curious to know the retail price? In articles I've seen anywhere from 25k to 60k.

I also heard the Metis Horn speakers at the Pacific Northwest Audiofest in September. I agree with the reports of bibasset and peter_s and really can't add anything more. Peter_s, I am also planning a trip from Bellevue to Anaheim to hear them in the showroom. I haven't seen a response here from anyone who has the Metis Horn speakers.

fyi they are not made by Triangle Art, just a name that is put on, No he did not built the speakers, just slap the name on there! 

My experience with Triangle Art has been a nightmare. Purchased an Apollo Cartridge directly from Tom Vu and one channel stopped working. He immediately blamed me for miss use and would not take any responsibility for the cartridge problem. After going back and forth with him I lost all trust in his service and became very nervous about even having him inspect the cartridge. I eventually sent it to Sound Smith to have it inspected. Peter determined when the cartridge was manufactured the left channel wire was too tight with no room for give. When the cartridge expanded due to humidity the wire broke off. When I informed Mr. Vu of sound smith’s finding I received no response back.