Tri planar and shelter 901 and Verdier


I have to set up my new Tri Planar with my Shelter 901 next week, do you have some advice for me?

I have seen on a notice that there is some silicone furnished with the tonearm, in wich case must I use it ?

If you also have advices to set the Tri planar properly on a Verdier they would be welcome.


Showing 3 responses by tenmus

HI everybody

Thank you for your answers.

Now it' s clear for me , I 'll check the position before drilling...

I receive the tonearm at the end of this week , I'll certainly give you some news at this moment .

Many thanks again

Thank you Dan and Doug for your answers.

Dan I have a question for you:

If the tone arm is mounted exactly at the good place with the jig ,isn't the pivot- to spindle distance automatically the good one?

Does it mean that on the TriPlanar you can move the armwand forward or backward to modifie this distance when the toearm is soon fixed?

Sorry Dan I have made a confusion, my question was adressed to Doug.

In fact I want precisions because It seemed to me that if the tonearm is mounted correctly on the arm board ( with the jig) wich Doug describes as the first step, the second step ( find the pivot- to spindle distance) is automatically fixed by the first step???


Thanks Doug