Tri-amping 3.6R's; what amp for the ribbons?

I currently use a active bi-amp setup w/my 3.6R's. The pre-amp/crossover is a DEQX unit, into a pair of 1000ASP ICEPower amps for the bass panels, and a pair of Bel Canto REF500M's for the mid+ribbon. The crossover is at 200hz, 96db/octave. I'm thinking about moving to a tri-amp setup. Anyone tried this with 3.6R's? Any advice?

What amp for the ribbon, assuming I keep the current amps for the bass & mid? I'm thinking a nice Class A tube amp for the ribbons, but that's just my first instinct.

BTW, I like to crank these speakers LOUD -- as loud as you can go before the panels start farting. I guess ribbons don't require much power, but how low can I go?

Also, I'm concerned about blowing a ribbon -- I have to bypass the fuses, right?

Showing 1 response by jeffreybehr

"There's a Monarchy SM70 listed for $400 (no relation). Wouldn't hurt too much to try."

True, but I didn't much like the sounds of them driving my highly improved Audio Physic Avanti IIIs...very clean but rather uninvolving and a bit thin.

I'd look for smaller solidstate Class-A amps such as the 20-year-old Marantz MA-22 (50 or 75 into 8 or 4) or the more-expensive MA-24 (30 or 60 into 8 or 4). Even older would be a Bedini 25/25 or a Lazurus HA-1A, rated 50 or 100 or 200 into 8 or 4 or 2 Ohms. The Lazurus is hybrid, with a pair of 6DJ8s in the frontend and MOSFETS in Class-A in the output stage. I know of one Lazurus that I owned and a friend does that might be available.