Trelja and Leafs: Coincident Questions

Since you guys seem to be such big fans of these speakers, maybe you can help me out. I picked up all four original midranges out of a set of the Eclipse's for a very reasonable price. Would you happen to know EXACTLY what drivers these are ? I don't think Israel would fork this information over very easily. Sean >

Showing 1 response by sean

Thanks for all of "homework" that you did for me. Well above what i expected and greatly appreciated !!! The original owner told me that these were run full range on the bottom end and simply had a cap to limit high frequency response. While i haven't measured these specific drivers, i thought that most of his newer speakers were an oddball impedance, something like 12 ohms or so ? I'll have to drop him an email and see what kind of information he'll divulge about the subject. Once again, thank you and i'll let you know the results. Sean >