Treating High Humidity in basement

Hello all,

We have moved into a new house and my system is in a basement with floor heat. I have high humidity in this room, sometimes 68%. What is a good dehumidifier system to use for when I am not in the room? I have ventilated the room for up to six hours which lowered the levels to 59%, what else should I do? Should I turn the floor heat off and turn the room into an iceberg and vent the windows in the evening before I use the room? Thanks.
PS. I am located in Germany

Showing 1 response by thorman

Hi : I live in Massachusetts and have my second system in my basement and have a De-humidifier in the room with the system...I leave it on all the time from May - November...The only time I shut it off during the damp season is when I am down listening..After listening I turn the system back on..I try to keep the room Humidity about 40 % .. Any quality Dehumidifier in the room should work..Just make sure it is large enough to do the whole cellar...It shouldn't be a big deal.......