treasure kt 88 vs vintage tung Sol 6550

Well, I have been trying to give these treasure kt88 a fair shake for a while.  I have read many that say they cannot hear a difference in these grant fidelity choice tubes and vintage nos.  All I can say is do not take any wooden nickels.  There really is no comparison, the vintage tung Sol 6550 just blew away the treasure kt 88.  Not even close, in bass, texture, clarity, well, everything.  One thing I will say about the treasure kt 88 is I did find them forgiving.  As far as CDs are concerned, the tung sols are not.  If you have a CD in with the tung sols, you will know it.  If you have vinyl on, same thing.  If is a quality recording, you will hear it regardless if it is digital or analog. The treasures are not as clean sounding, but considering what is available today, they may be the closest to nos.  However, any claim that they are as good or better than nos really is not very honest.  IMHO.

Showing 4 responses by tzh21y

That is the thing, other audiogoners are enamored with the treasures.  Maybe they just have not heard how good many vintage tubes really are.
I have not.  The reason for the post is it you go on the grant fidelity website, they have reviews by supposed audio reviewers regarding nos and the treasures.  They state that they are just as good if not better.  Well, maybe the reviewer had wax in his ears or something.  If you have good nos power tubes, do not let someone talk you in to these.  There truly is no comparison, do not be fooled.
I agree.  I was duped but at least I still have my tung sols.  They do not give you a money back like synergistic research does.   Everyone was saying that I just did not have enough hours on them.  I have had them since last October.   
I just put the treasures back in.  They are definitely veiled in comparison to the tung sols.  I feel like I have to turn it up louder to hear what I am missing, that can not be a good thing