Travel system?

Anyone else miss good music when they travel?  We travel quite a bit, and I'm always looking forward to getting home to listen to my system - especially after a couple of days  of streaming low-res to a hotel or airbnb's alarm clock "stereo".

I was thinking about putting together a simple, small travel system.   What I'm leaning towards:

Kef LSX Speakers
Cambridge Audio Minx X201 Sub
Chromecast Audio

I could put this all in a custom pelican-type case and check it in for flights.  Should be the size of a roller-bag or smaller.  A few of the pelican cases have roller wheels on them.  There possibly would be room for cables and maybe some small iso-acoustic stands.

Anyone try this?  Any experiences checking in such a system on a flight?   If so, would be great to hear what you put together, and if it was worth the effort.  I like relaxing on vacation - would be even better if I had some decent tunes.


Showing 1 response by uberwaltz

I travel for work a LOT!
I truly do not think I could be bothered to put together a portable system although it does sound like a great idea, but for me along with my suitcase, tools, rolling laptop case, just one more item to cause me to want to kill someone when fighting to get on a rental car shuttle!

I do miss my main rig a lot but I do have couple pair decent iem phones to help on flights.

And at the hotel I stream from phone or laptop via Bluetooth to a small Bluetooth/USB speaker. Not world class but as you cannot crank the vol up in a hotel room anyway without being anti social it works well enough to get me by.