Transports not important any longer?

Hello all,

As serious readers of the forum may remember, I just purchased an SFD-MKIII and DSD upsampler. I'm already finding the music to be a major improvement over my old Arcam FMJ. Another league to be honest.

Anyway, I spoke with Chris - the original founder of Sonic Frontiers (now at and he said that my DVP-9000ES DVD/SACD should be a perfectly fine transport, and that though AES/EBU would be nice, it really is no longer necessary.

His reasonsing is that the SP/DIF stream is reclocked when it is upsampled in the D2D and then passed on to the DAC via the I2SE cable - and jitter drops to an astoundingly low .4ps. And jitter is not reintroduced from the upsampler to the DAC because of the clock comes to the via the I2SE.

I found this discussion quite interesting, but would love to hear other comments. To be quite honest, the sound coming out of my 9000ES->DSD->SF SFD-MKIII is astounding.

Nonetheless, like all audio-obsessed types, I wonder..

I assume this applies to the Perpetual Technologies DACs, etc.. anything which connects the upsampler to the DAC with a jitter-free connection (firewire, I2SE, and I assume I2S).

Just curious,
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I have a Chord Dac 64 which reclocks 4 seconds of music, and is supposed to be less transport dependant. I have used it with the following, getting better results each time, a Teac V25 VRDS, Linn Ikemi and Teac P-30. For my system, the better the transport the better the sound.
A DSD is a product from Assemblage (Sonic Frontiers) which acts as a jitter reducer and an upsampler. It also outputs the bitsream through a cable known as a I2SE - which includes the clock's signal on a seperate wire.

My question about the chord dac is - what sort of digital output does it use?

Transports not important? Well, something has to spin and read the disc, but any good CD player, ie ML39/390S have significant jitter control built into the player just as their 36 to 360S series of DACs does. As of now, I still prefer the flexibility of a transport and DAC system, ie the 360S DAC is totally software up-gradeable in the field. Cheers. Craig