Transport - will it really make an improvement

Looking for honest advice. I am considering buying a better transport, and cant yet convince myself that it will really make an improvement in my system. At present, I am using a Pioneer elite DV-05 dvd player as a transport with an outboard, Assemblage, platnum dac and upsampler. I am overwhelmed with the improvements the dac made in my system, in lieu of using the inboard dac in the Pioneer Elite. However, I'm just not convinced, due to lack of digital knowledge, that a digital output from one source could be that much better than another. I seam to think that differences in quality of cd players, are mainly attributable to their internal dac's and not the transport or digital side. Of course, I maybe completely wrong!! On the other hand, I would hope to expect a difference if comparing my 500.00 dvd player, to say a 6k transport, but are not looking to spend any where near that much money. Please enlighten me with some education, and if you have any recommendations on a used transport for around 1k. Thanks, Steve

Oh, in case it matters, I have a pair of Innersound Eros MK1 electrostats with their new xover bass amp and ESL amp + good cables.

Showing 1 response by darrell

The transport IS very important and WILL make a difference!

I've tried many transports and the BEST sounding to me is the Philips 12 pro. It is used in many high end units and if suspended on a good rubber suspension as used in all the top loading units can sound superb. The main areas of improvement will be : better bass, smoother more open midrange, and highs that extended without any edge.

Many will insist that a newer DVD player used as a transport will equal a good redbook cd transport, don't believe it. The laser and servo systems in a redbook cd transport are optimised to recover the redbook cd spec data. Also, there are no high quality dvd transports that are as good as the Philips 12 pro and therfore ANYTHING that also plays/reads DVD is a compromise!!!!!!!!!!!!