My own experience:
I have used both Sony and Onkyo DVD players (both top of their respective line) as a digital front end. I recently purchased a Chord DAC 64 and found that I could not listen to my music, because I was distracted by the crap coming from the DVD players. I A-B'd both and found the Onkyo (about 4 years newer than the Sony) to be marginally better, but still not acceptable. I was hearing MUCH more information with the Chord, and some of it was obviously garbled.
I have recently added a used Mark Levinson 37 transport, and I am now in musical heaven. Now, my only gripe is my being able to tell the difference between a bad/good/great recording! Ignorance was bliss.
Best regards, Dave.
I have used both Sony and Onkyo DVD players (both top of their respective line) as a digital front end. I recently purchased a Chord DAC 64 and found that I could not listen to my music, because I was distracted by the crap coming from the DVD players. I A-B'd both and found the Onkyo (about 4 years newer than the Sony) to be marginally better, but still not acceptable. I was hearing MUCH more information with the Chord, and some of it was obviously garbled.
I have recently added a used Mark Levinson 37 transport, and I am now in musical heaven. Now, my only gripe is my being able to tell the difference between a bad/good/great recording! Ignorance was bliss.
Best regards, Dave.