Transport Recommendations Please.

I have a headphone system. The digital front end consists of a Rega Planet (used as a transport) going into a Grace 901 headphone dac/amplifier and then into Sennheiser HD600 cans via Cardas Cabling. The sound is good (for digital) but I was wondering if purchasing a transport would improve the digital signal. My budget would be around $800 for a transport. Basically I have two questions: 1) is it worth it? and 2) if so, what should I get? Thanks in advance..


Showing 1 response by ipy

Have you considered mods to your present Rega ie: Superclock II , black gate caps & better quality diodes??? It will certainly improve your digital signal to your dac ie: less jitter or timing errors giving you a more coherent and sweet/musical sonic nature all for probably US$800 or even less plus some new cds thrown in.........
Good luck.