Transport for ML360S?

I'm looking for a transport to go with my system. Anyone out there with Levinson 360S DAC using Sony 9000ES as transport? Seems the 9000ES has many fans. Any other recommendations for transports under $2000 that supports 24/96? The rest of my system: ML380S pre and ML 335 amp.

Showing 1 response by ralee

Thanks all for your suggestions.

Craig, I thought about the ML37 but seems like a lot of $$ for a transport that some say may not be all that much better than other transports on the market. Critics will also say it is at least a 4 year old technology. I understand some of the new DVD/audio players like Pioneer DV37 can deliver almost same quality for fraction of the cost.

Who knows...I may just go with the ML37. Any news on a "370", the new and improved ML37?
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