transport for Chord DAC64

I'm planning on buying a Chord DAC64 and was wondering if I also needed to get a high end transport or will an average transport (ie < $1000) do? I believe that the 4MB buffer makes the DAC64 less transport dependent.

Thanks for your advice.

Showing 1 response by hassel

I run the DAC64 with a German Audionet Art V2 CD-transport, to good results. When the Audionet was away for a repair,however, I hooked up a ten-year-old T+A CD-player - and was amazed that the difference to the Audionet-supported combination was noticable, but much smaller than I had expected. The Chord lifted the T+A to another league. Otherwise, I second the CEC-transport, older TEAC-models, the T+A transport or the Italian North Star transport, to name but a few. The cable between the transport and the Chord and your preamp is very important, too. I started with a Siltech-cinch, and upgraded to LAT International, with excellent results.