Transparent vs Synergistic Research?

I am looking to recable my system. I have...

Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Speakers (will upgrade to Quattros)
Arcam DV88

After going through about 10-15 cable lines I was ready to buy Transparent. However, I heard so many good things about Synergistic that I am reconsidering. I would love to hear opinions from those individuals who have heard Transparent and Synergistic on which might be better for my setup. I'd also like to hear why you think it would be better. Thanks for any/all help. I am trying to get cables to audition. Please advise.

Showing 1 response by dvddesigner

For what is worth Transparent are consistent in their "levels" of cables and simply update the generation.

I run Transparent Ultra Generation 6 analogs for Interconnects and speaker runs. Love the the stuff. When I went from Super Gen 5 to Ultra Gen 6 I was truly blow away by the difference - which I am glad there is because they are not cheap but the audible difference is easy to hear,

Been a customer since 97’ and I can highly recommend them.