Transparent Musicwave Reference speaker cable

Hi Guys
I have a set of these cable with a low serial number -0816
this i assume is a mid 90's set ?
I use a Musical Fidelity Kw - 500 with Marantz Sa-11s1 cd player , Triangle Lyrr speakers and Kimber Select Ks 1011 interconnect. The sound is very accurate but seems that the dynamics seem a bit compressed as if the follow through of a drum hit is held in a force field , i tried another pair of all copper basic speaker cable and the result was that the dynamic impact returned but also less clear/accurate.
The Triangle Lyrr speakers are near new and i have read that break in can be a long process but the change in dynamic sound when i tried the other copper cable ( just cheap cable from a electronics store $4.00 per meter ) made me think its isolated to the Transparent Music Wave Reference ? it appears from the Transparent site that i have a early model set as there is a xl model as well . I am new to Transparent and love this cable , i could not afford new so second had was a nice way to go. Anyone have some info on the sonic signature of earlier Transpaent Reference cables ?


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