Transparent Audio IC's and Speaker Cable

I'm using Transparent Audio Supers for the IC, and Transparent MusicWave w/ Transparent Jumpers for the speakers. I'm debating whether to upgrade to the Ultra IC, or MusicWave Plus speaker cables. I'm looking to get a bigger soundstage, and better seperation of instruments. I do plan on auditioning both, but I was wondering what others experiences are.

Rest of my system:

Cambridge Audio D500
Audio Refinement Complete
Monitor Audio Silver 5i
NHT Subtwo
stock power cords (I'll be making my own PCs soon)
Home made isolation system based off of symposium's stuff (it actually works very well, big improvements in soundstage, detail retrieval, and noise floor)


Showing 2 responses by poor_airman

Thanks for the responses guys. I really like the sound of Transparents so I plan on sticking with them. However, if I get a chance to listen to some other brands of cable, I will do so, and who knows, maybe I'll find something I like better. I do plan on upgrading the CD player, but not for awhile, because i'm saving up to get something in the 1.5k range (possibly a used Arcam 23FMJ, or maybe a DAC). Plus the isolation shelf I made really breathed new life into the Cambridge. JFrech, unfortuneatly I live in government housing, and can't mess w/ the wiring. At least I don't think I can. I will eventually upgrade to Super or possibly Ultra level speaker cables but I just don't feel like spending more than $300 bucks right now. That's enough to upgrade to an Ultra IC or Plus speaker cable. I'm leaning towards either improving the IC now, or just saving until I have $500 to get a used pair of super speaker wires. But that's hard to do when I'm also eyeing a nice new Taylor acoustic guitar. Why did I have to pick not one, but two expensive hobbies?

If I do replace the Transparents, I'd want something with the same richness/warmth/musicality...and cheaper would be a big plus....what other cables should I look at? Right now I'm auditioning an Arcam CD72T, and the Audio Refinement Complete CD. The Arcam has great detail, good layering of sound, liquid highs, nice tight bass, but the mids sound somewhat thin and uninvolving...almost hollowed out (I think the player is already broken in...I'm going to check w/ the dealer tomorrow...I'm running it 24/7 in the mean time). The ARC is more musical, but doesn't offer much overall improvement over the Cambridge D500 I have now. Piezo, I'm seriously considering taking your advice and putting the audio thing on hold for awhile so that I can get the Taylor.