Transmission line speakers!

Hi group,

I just pulled the trigger on a mint pair of Falcon speakers. They are a transmission line design. I don’t see many speakers using transmission line. Does anyone here have any experience pro or con with this type of design? BTW, I have always liked sealed type speakers over ported speakers!

Thanks much!


Showing 3 responses by reubent

@russ69  and All,

As I've said, I've owned a couple of different TL speakers. I enjoyed the Clements Audio RT-7 for many years, the Fried for less. However, for the last few years I've been using a pair of sealed enclosures - Infinity RS1.5s. They are a great fit in my room and sound fantastic. Better still, I only paid $264 on eBay and picked them up from the seller as I was driving through his area on a ski trip a few years ago. I love the sound of vintage Infinity speakers! I've even bought a pair of professionally re-foamed Watkins Woofers for them. Paid almost as much for the pair of woofers as I did for the pair of speakers.

Would love to have a pair of RS2.5, 4.5 or IRS, but I don't think I have enough space for them.

I also had a pair of Fried transmission-line speakers. Can't remember which model, but if I recall, they has some kind of cross-connectivity like Polk SDA. I could be wrong about that. I didn't have them for very long, and it was probably about 20 years ago.

I had a pair of Clements Audio RT-7 that I used for years. Great speaker. 2-Way with a true ribbon tweeter and a small transmission-line loaded woofer. Narrow baffle. Nice sounding speaker. I auditioned it against a comparably sized and priced Ohm Omni speaker at the time and chose the Clements.

I may still be using them today if the cosmetic/aesthetic were better. The early RT-7s had a foam wrap around the whole column and the column simply sat in a base. The speaker column had a beveled edge on the bottom and the base had an opposite beveled edge to accept the speaker column. Wasn't particularly stable or instill a great amount of confidence in the junction between speaker column and base.

Later versions of the Clements Audio RT-7 did away with the column/base setup and also changed the finish from a foam wrap to finished hardwood veneer.