Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Man, who is ready for this kick butt Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?!

Lets get it on!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, so I am a little excited about this next Transformer movie. HA HA HA

Anyone else is a big fan of the movie?

I am hoping the movie theaters will play the movie in the latest sound format and play it LOUD enough to shake the whole theater. HA HA HA

Showing 4 responses by mitch4t

For blockbuster action movies like this you must see it and hear it in an IMAX theater.......otherwise, it just doesn't count.
Mikeys.....congrats to you and your son. There is no other way to see it. The robots will actually be six stories tall and and a sound system that will rattle your son's bones, that's an immersive experience he'll never forget.

I'm taking my 12 year-old to the IMAX to see it.
Yikes!!! What a RIPOFF!!

At the bottom of the article in Mantaraydesign's link, they post a link that takes you to a site with a location list that distinguishes the real from the fake IMAX theaters. It seems that if you've never been to an IMAX theater before, you should use the list as a reference to make sure you're going to get the real thing. I checked the list for the theaters here in the Los Angeles area and fully half of them are of the fake variety. I never knew these fake things existed until this thread began. I've been to three different IMAX theaters and all of them were the genuine article. I know I'd be pretty upset if I were duped like the guy in the article.

....let the buyer beware.......or be educated.
I saw "To Fly" in my first IMAX experience also. You actually got the sensation of falling and flying. I took all of my kids to see it too to freak them out......they never forgot the experience.