Transformer coupled / Capacitor coupled

Just a question from my curiosity. I remember someone recently mentioned here that capacitor coupled pre-amp sounds better and is more expensive and rare, than transformer coupled ones. Could someone elaborate, as to the difference of those two and how each design works and why either sounds better? Thank you!

Showing 4 responses by clueless

Here is a discussion of a transformer based "pre" by Thorsten Loesch. Heard it in Chicago a few weeks ago but was not able to draw any conclusions.

I remain,
Hi Jcaudio: I agree, if you have a transformer I think you must have impedance issues. A Trany is inevitably a bandpass filter usually about second order or so (12db an octave). In the article TL spends a lot of time looking at impedance matching -loading the source, excessively high output impedance, ect.. and states that "As with all transformers the ultimately realized output bandwidth is very much system and application dependent." Gotta agree with that.

I remain,
Jc: I'm about as "local" as you can get. I just don't live by you.

I'd love to hear one of your shootouts.

I remain,
Thanks peter:

>"There is a world of difference between the transformer volume control that Thorsten is talking about in this article and the use of transformers in the output of a pre-amplifier"

No argument from me. Some of discussion was going to passives and what are essentially volume controls which are a perfectly legit way to go in some systems. I put the word "pre" in parenthesis in my post for that reason. It is obviously not a preamp in any normal sense of the word other than it "pre"cedes the amp. I was just trying to point to one take on using transformers in that part of the chain in one sentence.

You folks make nice stuff.

I remain,