Transfiguration:sonic balance/Axia shares Phoenix

Hello, Am getting ready to pursue another cartridge for my Bluenote/Encounter III combination.Former cart was the Allaerts Eco.Would the Transfiguration cartridges give me some or to the same degree of the non-mechanical traits that the former had?
I have read many positive reviews of the Phoenix.Does the Axia share these family traits and to what degree?
Please keep the discussion to the family of Transfiguration cartridges.
Thanks in advance to all those willing to venture their opinions.Tom

Showing 1 response by bc3


I have been distributing Transfiguration in the US for about six years now and several years prior to that worked for Musical Surroundings when they were the importer, so I am very familiar with the sounds and quirks of every model, post AF-1, which I also heard a number of times, but never in my system.

Jonathan is correct in assuming that the Temper and Orpheus series cartridges do indeed have a tensioning wire. The single-magnet construction, where the coil sits inside the magnet requires quite a bit more (talented) labor in its construction, as the tolerances are extremely tight.

The Spirit, Phoenix, Aria, Axia series cartridges still maintain the advantages of the ring magnet construction, in that the coil still lies within the center of the magnetic field.

Sonically, there is a strong family resemblance between the Orpheus and Phoenix (and Axia for that matter, though with slightly less harmonic texture and complexity). I would say that in all areas of performance, with the exception of microdynamic finesse, which was always the greatest strength of the Temper series, the current Phoenix is equal to or better than the Tempers at just a little more than half of what they used to cost. It is more transparent, less resonant, more macro-dynamic than the W or V (and I LOVED those cartridges...time marches on...). It is thus, probably a greater performance value, at $2750 than the Orpheus L at $6000, even though the L brings things to the table that the Phoenix cannot possibly bring (or, why would there be an Orpheus...).

I will keep my comments just to comparisons within the Transfiguration line, in order to avoid "plugging" my cartridges over another line.

Give a choice, I would definitely take the latest generation Phoenix over any of the Temper series and can say that it sounds very much like the Orpheus in terms of timbral balance, musical presentation and temporal coherence/integrity. Unless you listen almost exclusively to classical music, where the microdynamic finesse of the Temper V might make for a slightly better connection to complex passages, I think you will find the Phoenix the more transparent, musically accurate and natural-sounding choice.

Thanks to Jonathan for his (once again) very accurate and articulate comments.