Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks

Showing 7 responses by tubes108

Hi Roy. The Transfiguration V is an outstanding cartridge. I know someone who loves (an understatment) his Transfiguration V. He has spent some time with the new top-of-the line Transfiguration and his comment was, "it is the most amazing cartridge I have ever heard...a HUGE improvement over the Temper, which was among the very best already...killer."

Sorry I have no 1st hand experience with the new cartridge, though this friend has superb ears and I value his judgement.
sirspeedy. i have heard the temper v in my system for a short time and it is one fine cartridge. you know at some point in time, no matter how gd a piece of gear is, something will come along that betters what you have. i have not heard the Orpheus, and no doubt it beats the v, but...i am sure i could live with the v for a long time, regardless. though i bet my friend would be pleased that his quote has lead you to start an Orpheus fund. such is life in this hobby.
Howdy Nsgarch. Per your interest in a good service place to repair/tune your Nak deck. I also own a CR-7 since new. I noticed a repair facility that specializes in Nak decks and kept their name in event I had a need. I have not used them so I cannot provide a reference. Yet, as a Nak specialist, it seems they'd be worth contacting in event of any service requirements.

See Nak Repair Specialist
Hi Nsgarch. Wow man, that sounds pricy. What do they do for the $850? Wonder if you have any specifics on any upgrades: what are they and their sonic benefits?

Enjoy that 'deck!

PS. Mine worked fine without any problems until I stored it for a few years when the system was down. Probably but the idler wheels requiring replacement.
A further update from my friend who has an Orpheus. Note that he has superb ears and I value his judgement. The comments are somewhat general but, he certainly gets his message across.

"I was not expecting this kind of improvement at all with the Orpheus, since the Temper V is so good, but it kicks the V's ass and doesn't look back. Might be the best all around cartridge I have ever any price. There are Koetsu lovers out there who will still stick by their $10K+ carts, but I don't even know about that. This thing is amazing."
Hi Andrew,
I own the latest Benz LP, like it, and am not looking to replace it. It has NOT been in my system for a while. I am somewhat lazy when it comes to installing cartridges, so I wait to replace my Basis Vector with the latest Vector III before I re-install the Benz.

Currently I am using an old Audioquest 7000. I've always liked it; it has a lovely midrange and is dynamic (both micro & macro). Yet, there are many cartridges that better it including the 2 that I've owned since I purchased the Audioquest. Still, the 7000 plays musically.

A friend has a Temper V on a Vector arm. It was simple to place his arm on my 'table which enabled a short-term intro to this fine cartridge.