Trans-fi Terminator T3PRO opinions please...

I am starting to think of trying a T3PRO tonearm, and would appreciate comments from you who encountered it. I am really happy with my current analog setup, but have never tried a linear tonearm...some of my concerns are the noise the pump potentially makes - what type of pump do you use in USA (Vic can only supply 220V) and is the tonearm tricky to setup and maintain in 'perfect setup'? Is it very 'tweaky' (I do like tweaking to a certain extent)? Do you think the VTA digital display is worthwhile? Which cable option did you opt for (I am thinking the cart-RCA silver wiring)?

If you own it - which tonearms have you compared it to?

Any special setup/tweak advise with regards to this tonearm?

Many thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts on T3PRO and have a GREAT one!

Showing 7 responses by spiritofmusic

Just to add my 2 cents, have been running the T3Pro, w/recent Tomahawk wand upgrades, on Vic's Salvation direct rim drive tt.
Concur w/all that the main consideration is getting the arm PRECISELY level. Once that is achieved, day to day use of the arm is a doddle. I particularly like the azimuth adjustment on the arm, two spikes to independently zero in the correct setting. A little fiddly to use, but my cart installer really likes it.
My next step is to get the pump in another room, but tricky since I live in a studio apartment! Maybe at next move.
Have gone for the continuous cart-phono wiring to obviate need for an extra set of connectors.
So if, and only if, you can get the arm level, go for it. It (together w/the tt) brings a neutrality to proceedings, where you can analyse to your heart's content, but also allow the unique warmth of analog to wash over you.
Tms, and others, how have you achieved perfect level for the T3Pro? I use Vic's Salvation, and like many tt's the Salvation has 3 adjustable feet. I've always struggled w/getting ALL three feet on the tt to be equally level - whenever I get two feet correct, the third goes out of level.
I've settled on getting the zone that the arm tracks down the platter (ie the limited line the cart tracks down the platter) being precisely level, even if this means some other zones on the platter/feet may be a little out.
That's ok Terry. I think that my maintaining perfect levelness of the arm over the zone that the cart tracks (easy with a linear arm, it's in effect a horizontal sweep across the platter) should be sufficient.
Good thing too, since for the life of me I struggle to get every part of the tt/arm/platter equally level (function of always 1 of the 3 feet going out of adjustment just when 2 get into true).
Will look at that specialist spirit level mentioned earlier in the thread.
But I want to reiterate that beyond the levelness issue, and the need to have an unimpeded air supply to the arm, and deal w.pump noise, this arm is in many ways a lot easier re adjustments/everyday use wrt pivoted arms, and I still contend I'd take it over examples at 3-5x the price.
Terry, you sound like a restless investigator, whereas I'm prob happy to stick as is. I fully acknowledge you may be maxxing out further SQ impvts in your Terminator set up. Would be curious if you ever put this to Vic to hear his opinions.
A bit confused by talk of more powerful pumps, gentlemen. Vic the designer spent years designing the Terminator to operate on a low pressure pump, esp to minimise noise. I can't see how going against this ethos can possibly help. Unless you know more than the designer?
Terry, no sneer intended. It's just that I relayed users' ideas on more powerful pumps, and he's perplexed because it's a deliberate low-pressure design.
Can you describe in a great deal more detail what the schematic on such an arrangement is? I would be curious to investigate.
Re levitating/air bearing tts, Vic has just released a second major mod of his Salvation rim drive tt on which I run his Terminator. The first was a magnetic bearing, and now magnetic feet to isolate the tt further - aiming to fit the latter soon, but if the effects of the mag bearing are anything to go by, I'm expecting a lot.
I would still love you guys to run your pump mods by Vic and get his response to your ideas.
Terry9, schematics/photos would be great, I'm all fingers and thumbs w/such things.