Trading Magnepan 1.7 to Martin Logan Impression 11A worth it?

The subject title is my question. I primarily listen to vinyl on the system. The preamp is a McIntosh C2300 tube, and the amp is a Bryston B4 cubed. My Magnepan 1.7's have Mye stands. I also use two SVS subwoofers. This is in my living room, an asymmetrical room approximately 17x17, with the right and rear walls opened to other rooms. I like the sound of this system usually - depending on the quality of the recording - the soundstage can be large, with good air around instruments and quite revealing. I like the Magnepan sound.
I would like MORE of that sound! Magnepan's 3.7i would be the natural upgrade that I think of. The thing is, my wife might flip if she came home and saw panels that are even larger than the 1.7's, which she already considers too large. So... I thought I'd throw the question out here and ask for some thoughts on this. The Martin Logan 11A's would appear to be smaller than the 1.7s, and they are definitely sexier looking than a large flat panel. I could also lose the subwoofers. However, I certainly wouldn't want to compromise on the sound quality. In fact, for the price difference I would expect an improvement in that regard! I guess I'm looking for something with a good WAF and an upgrade for me! Maybe at this point it would be just a matter of preference. Thoughts?

Showing 7 responses by thewetdog59

Dougsat - thank you for the response - good advice! While authorized dealers are scarce near me, I will look into an audition. I heard them and was impressed 2-3 years ago, at Axpona, but it’s hard to tell what they’re going to sound like in the home. It is interesting to me that there’s not a chorus of support for a $10,000 speaker vs. a $2,100 speaker - maybe that’s telling. Thanks again... Dave
Thanks all! The advise is great food for thought. Last night I put on Eric Clapton "Unplugged", and I was thinking, "How much better can it get?". I suspect that it can get better though, the question for me will be "Is it worth it?". The question also arises: Magnepan's 1.7 has been around for about 10 years now - when will the new generation arrive, and what will it's features be? They may incorporate the true ribbon into a 1.7 - size panel (1.8?). That would be cool. I'd then be able to keep my Mye stands. It looks like they've been messing with dsp-controlled woofers - who knows what they'll come up with? I see that they've been taking some heat on some of the chat forums, for marketing methods or secrecy or other things, but from where I sit, they're giving incredible performance at great value, and they almost deserve for me to wait and see what they come up with. For now - I sit on the fence!
Thank you all for the input. Mtmug - I think that once you get to a certain level with these speakers, or other components for that matter, it comes down to personal preference more than anything else. Which do you prefer, chocolate or vanilla? They're both delicious! Shosugi - with the WAF, she doesn't think that they don't sound great - it's more the size of the speakers than anything else. She cares less about the SQ than I do, and more about cosmetics. You bring up some interesting points though. One can never say never in this hobby, but for me, for now, I think that my amp and preamp are my end-game components. The Magtech was really calling my name when I was looking to upgrade - Sanders speakers are great too, I'm sure! That amp is always on TAS' recommended components list. There are so many good options out there as far as amps go. After a lot of himming and hawing, I finally came down on the side of Bryston. The primary reason is because Magnepan had a reputation for using Bryston at shows, and you gotta think that a speaker manufacturer would want to show their product in the best light possible. Speaker cable - I'm on my third set of these, and I have noted improvements upon upgrading. I'm using Kimber Kable 8TC. I'm happy with them for now. I'm a bit skeptical about going much better on speaker cable, but I suspect that I might try something in the future, to see if it makes a difference. Room treatments - I did get a couple 2x3 panels to mess with that. Note that to the right side of the room, it's open to the dining room, so minimal reflections on that side. And the left side is a octagon outside wall with windows and curtains. Behind the listening position the room is open to the entrance hallway too. I think it's a pretty sound-friendly room basically. After trying a few positions, I put one of those panels on each side of the equipment rack (which for now must sit on the front wall between the speakers), and it seems to give me a slightly better and more coherent soundstage, but I'm still playing with that - I'm not positive that it's not a placebo effect yet.

My thinking right now is that a speaker upgrade would be the most impactful upgrade, but I appreciate all of your thoughts!

I'll mention here that the sound I've heard that left the biggest impression on me was at Axpona, I think 2-3 years ago, when I heard the MBL Extreme 101's - incredible! I don't recall the piece of music that was playing, but I know that there was tap dancing on the recording, and it sounded like someone was tap dancing, on a hardwood floor, about 3 feet in front of me and six feet to the left - I mean like reach-out-and-touch-me, holographic real! Those speakers are the stuff of fantasy, but it makes me wonder - has anyone heard this effect from any more attainable omni speakers, or planars? Or from any other speaker technology?

Everyone have a great weekend and stay safe!
Misstl - thanks for your input! If I may ask - what did you replace your Maggie 1.6QRs with? Are you glad you did? Is there anything about the Maggies that you miss? Thanks!
Don’t sweat it, if you’re still thinking about them well then, just pull the trigger! Life is too short.

Ahahahahah! Life is too short - you're right about that! We'll see what fate holds.


Thanks for mentioning those! I would like to hear them. I think there's a dealer in Chicago. When this situation is over I'll audition them.