Tradeoffs going to a hybrid from all tubes?

Hybrids seem to make a lot of sense, especially with a limited budget. For much of what I listen to my Totem Forests sound fantastic with the JoLida I have ...just that occasionally, I'd like things louder without cranking the volume knob to 3 o'clock. Am thinking a hybrid might be the way to go. Budget would be in the $1000-$1500 price range; used is OK. JoLida 1501A looking very affordable at <$700 shipped. Thanks in advance for your input and any product suggestions (I did find an earlier thread on recommended hybrids).

Showing 1 response by egay

Hi, i'm not usre if i get it right but if by "hybrid" you mean a tube/ss pre + ss/tube amp, then i can say there seems to be no "trade-off" that i can discern with mine.

I drive my Krell FPB with a Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 and i am VERY happy with the combo because this was the only 'team' that drove my Sonus Faber so well, i had to weep (OK, that's too much) :-| but seriously: the SFL-2 is not the "usual" warm tube sound i had experienced before, and i like that. Then the Krell seems to have endless power... i get the tube sweetness and the SS switfness and control.

What more can i ask for?
A KCT or a Hovland HP-100 probably (just to give my SFL-2 a bit of rest; it's my workhorse for many years now) :-):-)
