Tracking Force Gauges

I have only coarsely adjusted VTF on my cartridge using a Shure gauge and taking into account the ~ 0.3g overshoot some have reported.

I would like to embark on a careful study of the sensitivity of the sound attributes to small deviations within the recommended mfg's range. I'm curious to know what high VTF sounds like compared to low VTF and to find an optimum setting.

To do this I'm interested in your recommendations on digital VTF gauges with 0.01g accuracy.

I've heard about the MyWeigh scale and others. It seems like the my weigh scale is a traditional looking digital scale in that the measuring platform is very wide with the load cell likley centered beneath the platform. I'm not sure that one gets repeatable and accurate results if the cartridge were to be placed near the edge of the platform if the arm can't be moved in such a way.

Any thoughts on accurate VTF measurements?


Showing 7 responses by albertporter

I have a Winds and am tempted to buy that $95.00 gauge anyway, before they raise their price.

That is a VERY fine looking stylus gauge for less than $100.00, did you notice they offered free shipping as well?

I just ordered one of these based on the comments here. I will let you know how it measures against my 1/100ths gram Winds after it arrives.

Even if it's not perfect, once the "correct" weight is determined, the user can repeat that perfect setting anytime.

That's the real value of any stylus force gauge, repeatability in very fine increments.
There are times when friends in my group want to borrow a stylus force gauge. The last time I loaned out my WInds, it was gone for a week and a half.

If this $95.00 unit is good, and I have no reason to believe it will not be, it is the gauge I will loan out.

It's also the gauge I will carry, along with my LP's and tools when I go help friends with TT set up.

Here where I live, there is an unlimited supply of clowns that love to stop in the middle of the freeway for no apparent reason. To avoid a collision, that bag of necessary goods is thrown across the vehicle, stopping against whatever is hard enough to break the fall.

The good news? The WInds will be home in the cabinet where it belongs.
Hey Zaikes, click Here to see your next president from the Lone Star State.

Or were you referring to Dwight D. Eisenhower?
Agreed Vetterone.

Dan_ed. The force gauge from Singapore is not only less than $100.00, air shipping is included at that price.
I received my gauge from Singapore as well. I am completely satisfied with it's appearance and construction for the low sum of $95.00 delivered.

Tomorrow night is music night, we plan on testing two or three different stylus force gauges, once the Walker is warmed up.

Lloyd Walker himself will be here in a few days, I plan on getting his opinion too.

For those that did not read my earlier post, I have the 1/100ths gram version of the Winds for reference.
I'm confused by repeated comments about VTA. The platform on the Winds and this less expensive gauge from Singapore both have platforms that are about the same thickness of an LP.

Are you guys leaving the LP on the platter and placing the gauge on top to get VTA off enough to be a problem?