Tracking force and Unipivot tonearms

I have a Benz Glider and the "recommended" tracking force is 1.8 to 2.2 grams. I am tracking at about 2.4 or 2.5 just to keep it in the grooves during hot peaks on some records. A audiophile friend told me it is not uncommon especially with unipivots to set tracking force at 10 percent or higher than the recommended tracking force. The cart sounds much more full, less sibilant and a more solid sound at the sacrifice of a less air at this heavier tracking force.

Has anyone else found it absolutely necessary to set tracking forces much higher than the recommended force? My friend said it will not damage the cartridge or records at 2.4 or 2.5 grams. He said I should not get hung up on recommended tracking force as all tonearms are different and that it is just the "recommneded" tracking force

Showing 14 responses by tzh21y

Is this true? I would not think 2 to 3 tenths of a gram would have this affect. I could see if I was tracking a full gram over the recommended weight may be a little too heavy. I noticed some of the other Benz carts go as high as 2.5 grams. The compliance is fine for my arm
True, much has been written about the shortcomings of the JMW9. The thing is that I never play my music loud, so I doubt that vibration is really a major issue.

I was intrigued on a more current thread where Jcarr eluded to the fact that many carts may not be designed with recommended tracking force and actual trackabilty at this tracking force. He mentioned that for many cartridge makers, the variance in recommended tracking force range is so great ex 1.7 to 2.2 grams as opposed to 1.7 to 1.8 grams. Why such a wide range of values?

Also, in this case Benz says the recommended tracking force is 1.7 to 2.2 grams. They do not say Caution: any tracking over this recommended range will damage the cartridge. At least I do not see it anywhere.

It is true that the Graham arm is a more expensive arm than the JMW 9 and probably much better. However I have a Denon 103 Cartridge which tracks perfectly through each track, no inner groove distortion and this cartridge is not a match for my tonearm as far as resonance is concerned. Tracks great though. Why?

Maybe my expectations are a little high for a table that cost 1800.00 I would think that I may not get the detail and quality of sound that is possible with a "better" arm but I would certainly expect it to track a record at this price point. This tonearm has been used on their more expensive platforms. Could it just be a cartridge issue? Maybe some just do not track as well as others? I have read threads with people having tracking issues even with the great Phantom tonearm. Maybe the recommended tracking force will according to the manufacturer "sound best" within this recommended range but may not track as well in this range? Is this possible?

Syntax, that is a good point with regards to isolation and lower tracking force. I am sure better isolation does make a huge difference. I had an HRS stand for a while and it did make a huge difference with tracking as I remember. That may be a big part of it. Never thought of isolation being that important because I do notr play my music that loud, but i guess their are always some airborne vibrations and maybe the sensitive nature of better cartridges exploits this especially at the inner grooves. Interesting observation.
I have done VTA adjustments until I was blue in the face. The comment by Jdaniel is interesting. After thinking about it, I am not sure if their is much difference in tracking when comparing what I remember in my first turntable, remember the old MCS JCPenney direct drive table and the Scout JMW 9. Maybe their is more detail and a lower noise floor with the Scout but I certainly expected a better result considering I paid $1,800.00 for it. It seems because of the antiskate that VPI does not believe in, it causes considerable wear on the stylus thus hampering performance. I mean if you spend a grand on a cartridge, you would want it to perform well beyond a month.
The denon does indeed track well on this table. However, after about a half hour, my ears feel like they are about to bleed
I think the issue with the Denon is resonance. It sounds great. I just get listening fatigue with it. Maybe a higher mass arm would be perfect. That would be interesting to try one of those carts on my scout.
Great news! I do not know what I did but the JMW 9 is tracking perfectly now. No more sibilance, tracking distortion or anything. I am a very happy camper. I am tracking at 1.9 with a Glider. My VTA is lower than before(not parallel with record) but what I think happened is I must have hit the azimuth pretty close to perfect. I do not have a Fozgometer. I think I need to get one. I also used the Mint lp to align the cartridge. i tried to be as perfect with alignment as I could. I am finally enjoying my records.
I am not saying it is the best arm, but I have finally got the JMW 9 sounding very good with a Benz Glider. I will invest in a Fozgometer. I am sure that azimuth had a lot to do with it, not everything though. I still think it is a very touchy arm and I will not touch it no matter how tempted I get until I need a new cartridge or upgrade. I am still not getting the distortions I am used to. I am very happy right now. It is possible to get great sound with a Scout and with a JMW 9. It only took me 3 years. lol. Gosh, I hope all arms are not this difficult to set up. I have it set parallel to the record for medium weight vinyl. So for the 180 to 200 gram, it is a little higher at the cartridge end of the arm. I hope this continues.
lol. I guess a bullseye is inevitable. Yes and a lot of aggravation to say the least. I will keep everyone posted as time goes on. Right now, it is working well. Does it sound like my friends Zeta, no but considering what I paid for the table and arm, I cannot expect that. It does appear as though this arm is very sensitive to the cartridge used. For future reference, I would like to know who is having success with this arm and what cartridge are you using? I am sure Dynavector has to be one that will work as it is endorsed by VPI. Other's? Benz wood, Lyra, Etc. I friend told me that Lyra would not be a good choice for this arm. Any comments?
I will not touch the counterweight on the JMW 9 Standard at this point. I even frown when I want to change the VTA. Yes, there is a difference in a Zeta quality arm and the JMW 9 Standard. It is not even close. The Zeta is great. The soundstage, images and bass are so solid and dynamics are killer. Sounds more like real music to these ears for sure. Sometimes I wonder if the sound is inherently more solid with a gimbal arm vs. a unipivot. Not sure about this as I have not heard enough arms but I know the Phantom is a unipivot and I am told the images are very solid with this arm. Two things I do not like with the JMW 9 standard design is the set screw to adjust VTA. It seems like there is too much play in the threads and I do not like the antiskate. I do not use it at all.

JDainiel, that is pretty sobering but I do not doubt it.

I think I will get a Fozgometer. I think it is a necessity for me.