Totem Model 1 vs Totem Arro

These two Totem speaker models had more or less the same price, and it was natural to choose between the two when one was interested in the Canadian brand.
The Arro is still currently on Totems catalog but the Model 1 is only available on the Signature version, much more expensive.
I have the Arro (love’em) and I wonder if the Model 1 is superior, specially in the bass quality?

Does anyone have any experience in comparing these two models?



Showing 4 responses by akg_ca

I’ve owned the TOTEM ARROs and TOTEM FORESTs in prior systems , so ai know the TOTEM sonic signatures, strengths, and warts very well.

which speaker model you choose will be predicated by the amount of “grunt” ( and that means current = amps ….WPC alone are meaningless) it can deliver. TOTEMs are power hogs …the ARRO is easier to drive in my experiences, But the small midrange / bass driver means compromise on bass reproduction based on elementary physics.

I experimented with numerous speaker cables, from budget to the expensive. In short, I’d stick with the Ag coated over Cu models. The ones that immediately come to mind are the CHORD RUMOUR X , CHORD ODYSSEY, and TOTEM TRESS


- Save your cash and don’t blow the wad on expensive speaker cables. Rather, stay with the mid-priced ones listed above. Expensive options disappointed …they produced somewhere between negligible / minimal / meh? depending on the rest of your system,

- The TOTEM TRESS are in-house cables modelled after the class-leading CHORDs, specifically the original RUMOUR.( current model is now the RUMOUR X)

- I like the CHORD ODYSSEYs in that are identical in materials and build to RUMOURs EXCEPT FOR being a double thickness. It made for a bit more slam and dynamics for me. BUT …they cost double too so it may be a non-optimal choice for some in the $$$ vs VALUE proposition.

- The TOTEM speakers are internally wired with their in-house TRESS cables… it’s intuitive that extending the same cable or proxies works well.


the CHORD RUMOUR X as the premier $$ to performance choice. Curiously, I’m guessing that their bespoke upgraded shielding when compared to the TRESS,, and an ethereal “who knows exactly why” factor were a slightly better performance reasonin my system.

The RUMOUR X model is a class leader rated contender and no pretender

they are $$$ comparable to the TRESS.




I owned TOTEMs and I also currently run HARBETH 30.2 XD’s.

the TOTEMS are generally fine at their price-points with their own fans IFF

- they have a suitable high-current capable amp  to drive them, and

- you accept a few.warts to go along with their strengths , and

- you prefer their bespoke sonic signature ….

BUT…. - as @ryder has pointed out- , a move up to HARBETHs are a distinct step-up in audio performance (and price ,,,) that is not subtle .

Best bet Powering your TOTEMs ,,,, SIMAUDIO

SIMAUDIO and TOTEM are both in Montreal and mutually used to voice each others product. A TOTEM/SIMAUDIO partnership is arguably the ideal stablemates.

Here is your Holy Grail .... the TOTEM AMBER integrated amp. This is a now discontinued high-current beefy integrated amp that is a mutha of a beast It was JV between SIMAUDIO and TOTEM , wherein TOTEM had a bespoke custom designed product built for them to their specs and speaker line by SIMAUDIO, based on the SIMAUDIO platform.

SUITABLE ALTERNATE CHOICES (also seen set-up with TOTEMs at audio expos). These are contenders and no pretenders.


. I’ve auditioned TOTEM ARROs and FORESTs paired with NAIM upstream numerous times at dealers after I sold off mine.

My take: not the best option…. System synergy matters .

NAIM with TOTEM was a step down from any of the three brands listed above,..and compared to the ones herein, it was not subtle. 

I have a lot of admiration for NAIM paired with Brit speakers (NEAT, KUDOS, REGA, ROYD, ( insert any of the BBC monitor derivatives); etc. etc …….and French offerings from JMR and FOCAL),,,, but just not so much with TOTEMs

Hey…some drive Fords and some drive Chevys… Whatever stirs your drink.


carry on, sir!


the TOTEM MODEL 1’s do crave solid state “grunt”. ( All TOTEMs do …)The better the upstream fed, the better performances overall.

I had the NAD C370 integrated amp initially to pair up to the ARROs initially (predecessor to the C275BEE on your audition list.) It was “ok if you like the bespoke NAD sonic signature that is on the dark side with a rolled off top end. It wasn’t my thing , so I swapped it out for the top model ARCAM FMJ integrated amp ….. It was for my “B” system, so I didn’t go that extra mile for a SIMAUDIO .

I still stand behind my post that SIMAUDIO is still the best partner for TOTEMs that I have heard . I’ve also heard them with AYRE and PLINIUS …. Sweet too .…but SIMAUDIO still had that extra ethereal bit IMO with TOTEMs.

FWIW, My current amp is the REGA OSIRIS integrated amp driving HARBETH M30.2 XD’s ,,,,it’s well worth an audition and I”m most confident that it would impress you further with the Model 1’s …. if you can live with the added strain on your wallet.

budgets matter big time for sure. Audition what you can , think about inserting a SIMAUDIO into the mix last if you csn, and have fun sorting out the contender(s) from the pretenders . This hobby is a journey and never a destination in our stroll down the Yellow Brick Road to Audio OZ. Excluding my OSIRIS, The SIMAUDIO is one that I might consider on a blind purchase on a hot deal .

choose wisely, and carry on sir!

PS If you are married to your TOTEMs and you see an AMBER integrated amp on the resale market … dive on it FWIW

last one I saw posted below. I suggest that you look for one on CANUCKAUDIOMART