Totem Mani 2 sig vs Dynaudio special 25s

hello folks,

I'm looking to upgrade my speakers and wanted to solicit some general feedback from anybody who has had the opportunity to listen to both Totem Mani 2 signatures and Dynaudio special 25 speakers. I currently own a pair of Dynaudio Focus 140s and love their sound. I was able to swing by a Totem dealer the other day and heard their Model 1's and was very impressed so I'm hoping that the Mani 2's sound even better. Any thoughts on how the Mani 2's and Special 25's compare?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Ucsb21, This may not be much help. The Dyns won't make the bass of the Manis. Unless you have a smaller room you will want a sub for both. Better tweeter in the Dynaudio, but it takes a HIGHLY resolving system to hear the difference.
I do think the image is a little more believeable with the Totems. I also think they are a little more room friendly. If this is part of your decision process, try to find a used pair of 25 Anniversary speakers, and see how much of the original retail they still command! Told you this might not help!
thanks for the post Zieman,

I just recently missed out on an opportunity to scoop up a pair of 25s for $2100. I don't know if I'm going to see a price like that anytime soon. Good to know that you think the tweeters of the totem are comparable to the 25s. Not sure if I'm going to pair one of these with a sub but, I do have a JL Fathom 113 sitting around just in case. If more folks chime in and it looks like the two speakers stack up pretty evenly it might just come down to which one I can get for cheaper.

Thanks again!
I've audition both and preferred the Manis because of the bass. The tweeter I don't remember being an significant advantage for either speaker.

If you have great amp(s) to push the Manis or 25s you will be greatly satisfied.
The standard Mani-2s (I have not heard the Sigs) do not have a specially memorable tweeter. Their bass is of course exceptional but as always it depends on room placement and treatment. As Lapierre says you will need an exceptional (and powerful!) amp to drive them or you will not be happy--the texture and inner dynamics of the music will not appear.