Totem Home theatre

I am interested in those who have used totems for Home THeatre. I love them but hard to imagine thiose little things handling the dynamics and volume. I am not a loud listener, but also have small room. Particularily interest in Arro based system. Have a well matched sub, but wouln't mind comments.

Showing 1 response by bonger

I've got Arros in front(driven by Bryston) & Dreamcatchers for center/surrounds(driven by NAD AVR) almost gives you the best of hifi/HT world without too much compromise.

This combo is perfect for someone like me living in small area who prefers quality of sound over outright brute force. Of course I have a 10" sub for lows and considering getting another 10" to further fill in lows.

Matched with a good source (CD/DVD) and you'll won't have the itch to upgrade for a long time.