Totem Forest vs. Sonus Faber Home or Domus Lines

I've been listening to a number of speakers in the $2,500 - $3,500 range (currently I have a pair of Snell E/IVs with a Proceed CD Player, Classe amp, and Classe pre). My musical tastes range from Miles Davis Sketches of Spain to anything Smashing Pumpkins. Just no classical. Any advice on Totem Forest or the Sonus Faber Domus or Home lines? My room is 13*18. Thanks. Advice on other speakers in this range is also appreciated!

Showing 1 response by ghunter

Sonus Faber speakers are great at lush, wide sounds, which is why many people who love classical music are attracted to them. I love them for dreamy, spacey rock/pop/electronic for the sheer ambient environment they're capable of portraying. After hearing the $40,000 Stradivari a few months ago I even gave serious thought to buying them (and risking a divorce) until...

I found that they really don't rock, which I haven't heard anywhere in the SF line. Put in some faster music (I used the Clash's London Calling in the demo) and it just didn't have the drive that my mid-range Totems have at home. I've never heard the Clash sound so warm and inviting :)

They're wonderful speakers, but I'd only recommend them to people who listen to Jazz and (especially) classical. They excel like no others in that respect.

I'd say go for some Hawks or Forests and enjoy a wider range of music for less money.