Total spent on music vs equipment?

I estimate I have about $8K in audio equipment and just over $20K in LP's/CD's/downloaded files.

How about you all?

Showing 1 response by almarg

Music (mostly classical):

-- 600 LP's: $5K
-- 100 CD's: $1K

Total: $6K

System (take your pick as to which number to use):

-- Actual investment in current system: $13K
-- Actual investment including gains/losses on equipment sold: $18K
-- Total msrp of current system: $19K
-- Total msrp of current system, inflation adjusted: $34K

The reason for the high inflation adjusted figure is that the system includes components from each of the last 6 decades, ranging from a 1954 REL Precedent tuner to a 2008 Bryston BCD-1.

-- Al