Top Ten Tuners of all Time??

To start this thread I vote for the Yamaha T 1. At its price performance,little to touch it period. Whats your vote?

Showing 2 responses by geor

The Magnum Dynalab FT101 Etude taught me that Sereophile Recommended Components lists were to be approached with a huge crystal of salt. I bought a Fanfare rated 'A' by Stereophile and was disappointed, so Frank at Audio Outlet sent me the Etude (once rated class C, I believe). A-B comparison from a rooftop antenna through a high end splitter totally eliminated any doubt. It is by far my most used source over the Meridian 508 and, yes the LP12s.
Thanks Brian. General advice to all A'gonners (sic) all the posts. I happened upon this thread while researching an amp, but I just had to send a quick note because of my experience. I guess it was a response more to a certain magazine than anything else and a thanks to a hi end retailer in NY named Frank. It's a process that doesn't end until you're happy...I'll just leave that hanging.