Top Ten Speakers of All Time?

Well its time for a new Top Ten Thread. WOW-Have I learned a lot.Thanks to all Audiogon members.Have had several e mail thanking the Top Ten Threads. We have a lot of new members just starting their High End adventure. Info was much appreciated. I will start the thread for the Acoustat 2+2 and Model 2 of which I still own and continue to enjoy. So lets have your top ten members. --- MANY THANKS ---
Large Infinities from the 70s
Esp Concert Grande
Harbeth 40.1
Magnepan 20.1
Spendor LS/35a
Quad 2905
Klipsch Khornerhorn
Spendor SP100R
Reference 3A Grande Veena
Quad ESL-63 USA Monitors; Swan (forgot model, but circa 1989); Wilson Watt/Puppy.
I know this is an old thread but I just found it. I was a High End Audio dealer ( Audio House) during the 1980's. I sold, Rogers, IMF, Acoustats, Mordant Short, Pro Audio, Speaker Art speakers. I also sold many high end used speakers like Infinity, Quad, Klipsh etc. From being a dealer and attending many CES shows and auditioning the best available, I came to the conclusion that one develops a certain preference for a speaker sound. I love the British Monitor sound. I think Rogers did the best job in this department. I own a pair of Speaker Art speaker made in CA by a very small company. This speaker captured the British sound and has a great base to go with it. I sold a pair of Rogers speaker that were powered by two Quad amps. Can't remember the model but I think they cost $6,000. They were very good. For this list I would include the very expensive Infinities, LS3/5a, Acoustats, Speaker Art, IMF, Mordant Short. They made some great speakers those days. The Home Theater systems seems to have clouded the issue and I have not kept up with what is being offered today. Enjoy what you have. It sounds good. Terry