Top Ten Speakers of All Time?

Well its time for a new Top Ten Thread. WOW-Have I learned a lot.Thanks to all Audiogon members.Have had several e mail thanking the Top Ten Threads. We have a lot of new members just starting their High End adventure. Info was much appreciated. I will start the thread for the Acoustat 2+2 and Model 2 of which I still own and continue to enjoy. So lets have your top ten members. --- MANY THANKS ---
Sonus Faber Extrema speakers are pretty incredible. I've had them for years in my main reference audio system. And still to this date have heard nothing overall better natural sounding.
Not one mention of vintage McIntosh. Hmmm. I still have my XR-7s and XR-5s with the MQ107 Environmental Equalizer and they sound natural and rich. They've been keepers while others came and went. Vintage 1978-79.
McIntosh XR-7 Isoplanar Radiators with the MQ-107 Environmental Equalizer (from late 70's), even though there was a design flaw in the dome midrange speakers which McIntosh was able to correct (and still does) to perfection. Warm natural sounding and beautiful to behold from all angles.
- Soundlab A-1
- Apogee Duetta Signature (there is no other speaker that even comes close to it at the price - absolutely worth buying almost 20 years later)
- Apogee Diva (still worth buying 20 years later...)
- Celestion SL700 (still worth buying 20 years later...)
- Quad ESL-63 (sill worth buying 30 years later...)
- Infinity IRS Beta (still worth buying 20 years later)
- Martin Logan CLS IIz
- Wilson Benesch Bishop
- Magnepan 20R
- Proac Response 3.8
- Audio Research AR-18 (eleventh choice just to throw in a bit of college days nostalgia...)